The Timok Youth Center in partnership with the Free Youth Center from Vidin, Bulgaria, will organize on October 11 and 12 the final conference of the project Volunteers push the boundaries for volunteering in emergency situations.
During this two-day online conference, the results of the project will be summarized, but examples of good practice during emergency situations that befell us in the previous period (Covid19, floods, fires, etc.) will also be discussed. During the conference itself, volunteer centers from the border region will present their work and what they have learned and gained through this project.
Also, one part of the conference will be devoted to the networking of volunteer centers and their further cooperation, advancement and strengthening of capacities even during the peacetime period, in order to react better and more readily in cooperation with the competent services when an emergency situation occurs.
Anyone interested in participating in the conference can register via the link
During the duration of the project, a methodology for volunteering in emergency situations in the border region was written, 10 new volunteer centers were established in the border region, 5 in Serbia and 5 in Bulgaria, trainings were carried out for coordinators of volunteer centers for volunteering in emergency situations, in which in addition to 10 volunteer centers, 10 old volunteer centers that were founded in 2018 during the project Volunteers move the borders also participated. The project Volunteers move the borders in emergency situations is a kind of continuation of the project Volunteers move the borders, within which the then volunteer centers started the story of volunteering in the border region, which was raised to a higher level through this project, i.e. the response of volunteers, the initiation of the community and helping the services in case of an emergency situation.
The project “Moving Borders for Emergency Volunteering” (MBFEV) number CB007.2.22.065 was co-financed by the European Union through the cross-border cooperation program Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Serbia CCI No 2014TC16I5CB007, and supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia through the Competition for financing and co-financing of programs and projects in the field of the youth sector that have been approved by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program of the EU and cross-border cooperation programs.